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In the second part of this series, I’ll reveal my night time routine as a student.

Quick disclaimer: the content of this chapter takes place in the UK, where it gets dark at 4 pm in the winter, hence why the routine starts a bit earlier.

Also, click here to read part one of this series “My Realistic It Girl Morning Routine as a Student” if you haven't already!

As I said in part 1, I prefer working out in the evening (assuming I am work-free and have no prior plans). I go to the University gym at around 5-ish and usually stay there for about 40 minutes.

When I get back to my room, I immediately have a shower. I love showering, especially because I get to use all of my shower products. If you’re interested in what products I use, why and how they’ve benefitted me, stay tuned because I'm working on that chapter right now. Subscribe for free to be notified when I post it!

I get out of the shower and perform my night time skin care routine. I read that it’s especially important to do skin care after a shower (a warm shower) because the heat opens up your pores, allowing a better absorption of the products.

I then head to my room to put on the comfiest pyjamas everwhich are long and fluffy. What's better than fluffy pyjamas? Fluffy pyjamas and fluffy slippers (the ones with a hard sole, because it’s a shared student flat so the floors aren't clean). Then I turn on all of my fairy lights, to make my room a little cosier.

At around 7, I go to the kitchen to cook dinner while listening to my favourite podcast. I cook a gourmet meal Gordon Ramsay would be impressed by, and eat it at the kitchen table with a 1L bottle of lemon water, scrolling through my phone. As soon as I’m done eating I wash up whatever crockery I have used, and return to my room.

There, and bare in mind this is around 9, if I’m staying in I’ll watch a movie before heading to bed. If I’m going out, I’ll listen to music while getting ready. Meghan Thee Stallion gets me in the party mood, so she’s my go to playlist.

And there you have it. I hope you have enjoyed reading my routine, and as I said, I’ll be posting a ton of new chapters soon, so subscribe for free to be the first to know!

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